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Pablo Lara H's Design Toolkit

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Pablo Lara H. shares the essential fonts, colours, and tools inside his design toolkit.

Words by 

Megan Hill

Published on 

September 7, 2022

essential graphic design tools, graphic design toolkit, design tools of the trade, designer's favorite fonts, designers' favourite colours, how designers work, design tricks of the trade, Brazilian designer, freelance designer, illustration, photography, Pablo Larah H designer

Name: Pablo Lara H.

Profession: Illustrator, photographer, and web designer

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Instagram: @deer_and_daggers

Tumblr: @pablolarah

Pablo Lara H. is a freelance creative specialising in illustration, photography and web design.


I use different paper for different mediums. For sketches in graphite pencil, standard blank paper. For watercolours, gouache, and markers, blank Fabriano paper (or any thicker paper variety).

I use Brazilian notebooks from Tilibra for sketching and note-taking, they are an old trademark in the field.

A collection of artwork by Pablo Lara H.

Source of inspiration

I love the '70s and the Baroque (+ Rococo) era. I’ve been making an archive of vintage magazines (from the '50s-80s) for colour palettes and layout ideas.

Designer on speed dial

Massimo Vignelli, Eiko Ishioka or Saul Bass. I can't decide.


I call this colour palette, "70's Nordic Sweater."

A 5 square colour palette showing burgundy, dark orange, mustard yellow lime green and teal.


Firm favourites

A distant love

I love the new serifs experimenting with old and new trends. There are new foundries and freelance type designers doing amazing typefaces. For example, Magilio.

Never again

A cliché, but Comic Sans or Papyrus.

Pablo also curates a bank of free typefaces.

Organisational method

I use several apps/websites to help me get things done like presentations, sketching projects, trees of ideas, etc.

Trusted advisor

For the project itself, the client. You have to satisfy the expectations of the client. But you can always provide guidance and negotiate some of your ideas. For general knowledge, growth as an artist, critical appreciation, and learning I look to other designers or colleagues.

Visualist is a software empowering creative professionals to work, earn and scale their businesses. Learn more here.

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